Pat Anderson


1.7.11 | “Magnolia Road” Named To Multiple Best-of-2010 Americana Album Lists, WKDF On-Air Radio Performance On Tap, New Live Video Of “Follow Me Down”

Hope everyone had a great holiday season–thanks to everyone who came out to the December band show at the Basement! It was really great to play for such a packed house that night. Several other great bands that night as well. There’s a video currently up on the Facebook page and soon to be up on this site of our opening song that night, “Follow Me Down,” courtesy of Kevin Kaz. Thanks Kevin!
Looks like I’ll be performing a song or two live on Nashville’s WKDF 103.3FM for Billy Block’s locals spotlight radio show on 1/16/11 at 6:00pm. I’m really excited for the opportunity and looking forward to it. Billy also runs a live show over at The Rutledge here in Nashville which I’m hoping to get booked on sometime in February.
Also, found out this past week that “Magnolia Road” was named one of the top 30 Americana albums of 2010 by both Chip Frazier at the great “Amber Waves of Twang” blog and by Jan Eiesland over at the cool Norwegian Americana blog “No Deal Music.” Huge thanks to both of them for taking the time to listen to the record and give it some extra attention.
As always, thanks for checking in!

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